The call


“Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.” Genesis 12:1

Isn’t “the call of Abram” in a sense a call to everyone?
Doesn’t God send us all in the realm of the unknown, the moment we let Him in our lives?
When Jesus invites us to follow Him, aren’t we just following Him where He will show us NOT where we want?
I mean, maybe I may be alone in this, but when you decided to follow God, did you know where He will take you?
I surely know, I didn’t know where God was taking me when I started following Him and to this point I do not know, but isn’t that the beauty of it all?

To be led by love?! Whatever You go, I will go, because I love You, because I have given You my vows. I have given You my heart.

“And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.” Genesis 12:2

Why do we prefer stability and “security” over His call? His heart?

The dark places God is sending you to, or should I say, has sent you to? He is your blessing. Close your eyes, and feel His embrace. He is with you because He promises to never leave you.

Whenever God gives you a call, He immediately gives you encouragement too. What a loving God we serve, right? We praise You, God!

May our goal in life always be to be satisfied in Him, only in HIM ALONE!
After God sends Abram in verse 1, in verse 2 He assures him that where He is sending him, he will be a blessing!

God never sends us without His provision (His Word)!

When Moses is about to pass “his baton” to Joshua, he tells Joshua, what a dear faithful Friend God has been to him. Moses encourages Joshua with these words, “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed”. Deuteronomy 31:8 Take a deep breath and let. these. words. sink. in.

It doesn’t make any sense

So Abram went as the Lord had told him,… Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.” Genesis 12:4

So many things amaze me about this one verse.
So Abram went…” please tell me, did you notice this before?
Abram didn’t ask any question of “where are we going by the way, God? How will I eat where I am going? Am I going to have any friends? Are you going to make sure where I am going, I will be comfortable enough to serve You?” These are scary things to type to be honest, but isn’t that what we live?

We don’t follow God because we don’t have all the details of the call.
We don’t follow God because the call doesn’t make any sense.
And nowadays, we don’t follow God because we are comfortable enough in our lives not to do so.

Oh Father, have pity on us and please CHANGE OUR HEARTS. Give us Your heart because ours is beyond wicked! “We believe; help our unbelief” Mark 9:24

So Abram went…”

These three words are circled in my Bible, I am not sure when I circled them. One thing I know for sure, they never cease to challenge me. Next to these words I wrote “God said something and Abram said “DONE”! What a trust!”


It all boils down to this: trust.
Do we trust this God we follow? Do we really?
If we really trusted Him, would it be hard to follow Him with abandon? Without holding nothing back?
Would it be hard to obey?
Would it be hard to stand still and to keep faithfully following Him even when it doesn’t make sense? ESPECIALLY. when. it. doesn’t. make. sense?
One of my prayers for the past couple months has been, “God, if You say something, I want to say DONE. I don’t have to know why, where, what at all. I just want do it. To do whatever You call me to do, Father!!!”

So Abram went as the Lord had told him…
Don’t miss this too, please?. Abram did as the Lord had told him… now you may be thinking, Gisèle, why is this important? (Well, maybe, I am the only one guilty of this? if so, extend grace, please?)
This is important, at least to me, because I know sometimes, I do “a modified version” of what God wants me to do. For those who don’t know what “a modified version” of God’s call may look like, let me paint you the picture. For instance, God tells me to pray for this person, instead of doing it right away since that person may need it at that specific moment I choose to do it later.
God may say to give $100 but I reason that $50 should be enough. This. is. NOT. obedience.

Obedience is doing as you are told without adding or subtracting anything to what you have being asked. Period. No buts!

Lord, I want to go boldly, gladly and faithfully in the realm of the unknown where Jesus is. Lord, I want to follow Your call without questioning or doubting. Just like we obey and trust those we love, Lord, more than anything I want to obey You! Father God, give me a heart that obeys Your commandments. When I keep trusting where You lead, I know, I know, I will effortlessly continue to fall in love with You! God, You are MORE than we could long for. You alone, You alone Father satisfies the deep longings of our hearts! You alone goes with us everywhere! So Lord, help our unbelief, keep teaching us how to trust You!
May our lives not only our words attest of our love for You!! In Jesus’ name I believe! Amen

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