The assurance of God

Sometimes the assurance of God
Comes in the dead of the night
Not in a thunder or lightning
But in a whisper,
Just ask Elijah.

It’s always when we think
We have reached the end of our rope
That God powerfully
Shows us this: we are just getting started.
Just ask Abraham.

It’s when our hearts have been torn
That we wholeheartedly seek
The great heart surgeon,
The great I AM.
And His eyes,
O how can I speak of His eyes?

His eyes meet us with a Love
Surely unbeknownst to us.
And like a newborn baby
Our eyes and our whole
Being don’t know what to think.
Newborn babies in the Father’s hands.

And He matures us in a way
Only He can.
And we become children
Who are mighty confident
In our Father’s heart for us.

He is never changing,
The Bible tells me so.
And it is when we catch
glimpses of our frailties,
Of our utter sinfulness
That we begin to understand
The uttermost glory and grace
Of Calvary.

Yes we are frail
Yes we are sinful
But the great King,
The Lord of hosts
Came to save us from ourselves.
Because who hasn’t lived
Long enough to see how
Self destructive sin is?

Our God saves,
Our hearts joyfully
And gladly proclaim:
God in His enduring love
Has saved us to the uttermost.
He alone is the One who is,
Who was, and is to come.

So the next time you need
An assurance of your God?
Look no further than on that cross.
That rugged cross.
And listen intently
Listen wholeheartedly
To His Holy Spirit that comes
In whispers.

Wait joyfully
For this King
Whose Kingdom
Will never end
And whose love?
My mind fails when it
Comes to His love.
O God, You know.
His love changes a heart.
God’s saints know
And are strengthened
Each time His assurance
Is our direst need.

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