
It is the Psalmist who said
That You alone took us
From our mothers’ womb
And ushered us into Your
Own very hands.
You were our God
Even when we were in the womb.
Awestruck wonder.

Your strength o Lord,
Your love o God, my savior
How gentle and fierce
You are to us and for us.
The fierceness of a warrior at war
And the gentleness of the Father’s
arms as He holds His cub.
With You, it’s never fierce or gentle.
It’s both.

The lion of Judah
And the lamb who was slain for us.
Lion and lamb.
This beautiful paradox that
You so intricately and intimately
modeled and still model for us.
We can rest
We can glory in You
We can trust Your heart
We can joyfully wait for You, o King!

And the angels sang in a loud chorus
That the Lamb of God had conquered sin
He had conquered death
And all who were and are to follow Him
are forever safe in Him.
My heart joins in the song
I rejoice that I am known by You
Completely known by You.
And after this life, there is
Infinitely more of You to enjoy.
Awestruck wonder.

How in the whole wide world
Did I get so lucky?
That I get to know You God.
That I have the lifetime privilege
Of being known by You.
I don’t know if the right word is lucky
But how else would I call underserved grace?
What a wonder!

To always dance with You Father
My heart unafraid of the unknown
And beholding Your majesty
My eyes forever set on You
My feet running hard after You,
Leaping each step,
And experiencing a beauty
That words can’t describe.

Loved by the Father,
Wildly loved by the Father
Led by a fierce King
Protected by a majestic heart.
And His eyes?
Holy and set on you.
This wonder.
This eternal love.
Awakens us to live
For there is no life without the King of Kings.

I thank You God. I thank You.
Yours I am, truly, truly, truly
Forever and ever.

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